Journal prompts for the New Year!

Prompts serve as powerful catalysts to maintain motivation for journaling. They provide direction and inspiration when faced with writer's block or apathy, helping to unlock thoughts and emotions that may otherwise remain unexpressed. By offering a structured starting point or thought-provoking question, prompts encourage consistent writing habits, fostering a sense of accomplishment and progress. Moreover, prompts can lead to deeper self-reflection, personal growth, and a richer journaling experience by prompting exploration of new ideas and perspectives. In essence, they serve as the guiding light that keeps the journaling journey engaging and meaningful.

Prompts to get you started

1. Reflect on a recent new beginning in your life. What motivated you to make this change? How did it feel to step into something new? What have you learned from this experience?

2. Imagine your ideal new beginning. What would it look like? How would it feel? Write a detailed description of this new chapter in your life and the steps you can take to make it a reality.

3. Write a letter to your future self who has successfully navigated a major new beginning. Describe the challenges you faced, the lessons you learned, and the growth you experienced. Offer advice and encouragement to your future self.

4. Create a vision board for your new beginning. Cut out images, words, and phrases from magazines or search for them online that represent the goals, aspirations, and feelings you want to manifest in this new chapter of your life. Arrange them on a piece of paper or a digital collage and write a few sentences about each element.


1. "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." - Seneca

2. "The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates

3. "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts

4. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene

I really hope these help you be successful. I will continue to bring you quotes and prompts through the new year. Happy New Year!

Eleaca Young

Creativity has always been a large part of my life. I believe that everyone is a creative, some people just have not discovered their passion yet. My goal is to share the message, “Go Forth and Create!”

Mixed media is my love. I thrive on the freedom of working in any medium I want and combining watercolor, ink, acrylics, fabrics-everything is fair game.

Living in Alaska, I am surrounded by beauty. I find the scenery and the people equally inspiring. the world is endlessly providing inspiration and my mission is to take full advantage. My favorites include color, nature, family, books, people and so much more.

The Beauty of Small Journals - Winged Collage


2024 Listen To What You Love